Societe Generale reduced adidas (OTCMKTS:ADDYY) PT to €128.00.


According to information provided by The Fly, Societe Generale lowered its price target for Adidas (OTCMKTS:ADDYY) in a research report published on Tuesday. The new price target is €128.00 ($130.61), which is down from the previous price of €192.00 ($195.92).

ADDYY has, in the past, been the topic of conversation from the perspective of various other analysts. In a research note that was distributed on Tuesday, September 27, Royal Bank of Canada lowered its “outperform” rating on Adidas shares as well as its price target on the company’s shares from €190.00 (193 $.88) to €160.00 ($163.27) Royal Bank of Canada also lowered its price target on the stock from €190.00 ($193.88) to €160.00 ($163.27 $). was released on July 29 and was available online. In a research report published July 27, Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft lowered its “buy” rating and target price on Adidas shares from €240.00 ($244.90) to €210.00 ($214.29). $) in a research report. The report can be found here. The recommendation on Adidas was changed from “buy” to “hold” due to research conducted and made public by Berenberg Bank on Tuesday September 6th. In a research report released Thursday, July 7, Adidas shares lowered their price target. The previous target price of €260.00 ($265.31) has been replaced by the new target price of €215.00 ($219.39), which represents a decrease. The company also gave the stocks it traded a “neutral” rating for investors to follow. Two research analysts suggested investors should sell the stock; twelve research analysts suggested investors should hold it, and seven research analysts said investors should buy the stock. Based on information from Bloomberg, the company currently receives a “Hold” rating and its price target should be between $214.56 and $215.
OTCMKTS: During the midday trading session on Tuesday, ADDYY lost $0.57, taking the price to $55.60; a total of 264,360 shares were traded. This number is significantly lower than the average volume of 328,025 shares traded on this security. The simple moving average for the company over the past 50 days is $73.67 and the simple moving average over the past 200 days is $88.34. The values ​​come out at 0.38 for the debt ratio, 1.34 for the current ratio and 0.76 for the quick ratio. Adidas’ price has ranged from a low of $54.99 to a high of $173.02 over the past 52 weeks. The company’s price/earnings ratio is 9.60, the PEG ratio is 0.99 and the beta coefficient is 1.02. Currently, the company has a market capitalization of $21.69 billion.

Adidas (OTCMKTS:ADDYY) released the results of its latest quarterly earnings report on Thursday, August 4. The company’s earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter came in at $1.00, $0.10 higher than the consensus estimate of $0.90 for the same period. The average estimate for the quarter was $0.90. Adidas’ return on equity was 16.49% and the company’s net margin was 9.02%. The company reported sales of $5.96 billion for the quarter, significantly higher than the $5.67 billion that industry analysts had expected. Research project analysts predict that Adidas will make $3.39 in earnings per share in the current fiscal year.

Several institutional investors and hedge funds have taken new views on the broader corporate sector in recent months. In the second quarter, Castleview Partners LLC increased its total ownership in Adidas to 9,350.0% of the company’s total shares, bringing its total ownership percentage to that level. Following the acquisition of 2,805 additional shares during the last quarter, Castleview Partners LLC now owns 2,835 shares of the company, which are worth $32,000 when taken into account. In the first three months of the year, Adidas Private Capital Group LLC was able to raise an additional 14.6% of Adidas shares. During the last reporting period, Private Capital Group LLC increased its stake in the company by purchasing an additional 91 shares. This brought the total number of shares held in the company to 713, worth $84,000. PNC Financial Services Group Inc. increased its stake in Adidas by 111.0% in the first three months of the year. After making additional purchases in the last quarter totaling 675 shares, PNC Financial Services Group Inc. now owns 1,283 shares, or $151,000. Indeed, the company made additional purchases during the period. The Equitable Trust Company increased the number of Adidas shares held by 6.1% during the second quarter of the year. During the past fiscal year, Equitable Trust Company increased its stake in the company’s stock by purchasing an additional 140 shares, bringing its total stock purchase to 2,428 shares, worth $214,000. Old National Bancorp, Inc. increased its stake in Adidas to a total of $224,000 by realizing an additional $24,000 during the second quarter, bringing its total investment to $224,000. Institutional investors currently hold 0.05% of the company’s outstanding shares.

Adidas AG and its subsidiaries are responsible for the design, development, distribution and worldwide marketing of products associated with sport and active lifestyle. Adidas is a brand name for various products including shoes, clothing, accessories and even sporting goods like bags and balls. These products are all sold under the Adidas brand. It sells merchandise through its retail outlets, franchise stores, single-brand stores, wholesale channels and e-commerce platforms, among other distribution channels. . It operates its stores in a total of 2,200 locations.


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